I always try to find a local cosmetics to try when I’m traveling, but when I traveled to Bali, it was a whole different story. Bali has never been famous for its cosmetic products, yet, it’s famous for its skincare products. So famous that you can find these products not only in Bali but also in many cities within Indonesia and other countries.
I’ve been using some of these products for a long period of time and fall in love with them that I keep purchasing for more. 😀 I believe they’re made of natural ingredients and it does good to my skin. Not to mention, price-wise, they’re affordable.
So here are my favorite Bali skincare products, put in a random order.
1. Herborist Bali Boat After Sun Aloe Vera Gel
I ALWAYS get sunburn after going to Bali (and Lombok). Like, always! No matter how much sunblock I’ve smeared on my body everyday while I was there, I would still got it. But worry not, cus apparently, I might not be the only person who got sunburn (in Bali) easily. Herborist with its Bali Boat line comes with a great product which is an after sun aloe vera gel. As the name suggested, it’s aloe vera thick gel that you can use after you finish your activity under the sun. It’s cold and when I feel like it, I put it in the fridge and use it cold. Nice touch to my burnt skin! In just two days, the burn feeling will go and the skin change to a rather dry one. Yeah!
2. Chamomile Green Tea Body Scrub
I’ve always loved body scrub from Bali. This is one of the fave! The bead is not too rough so you can use it once in two days (I even think you can use it daily). It leaves a nice soft feeling in the skin. And the smell … OH SO SOOTHING!
3. Bali Alus Traditional Spa Essential Scrub with VCO
This is my all time fave!! Back then, I always bought more than eight of this to stock at home. The main ingredient varies from the usual one Green Tea, Sandalwood, Jasmine to the more fusion smell one like Coffee and Chocolate. I was once using the Chocolate and I felt funny cus everytime I move my hand, I can smell chocho roaring from my skin. Hahaha. Oh, another good news, this can be applied to face also! 😀
4. Bali Alus Body Butter Traditional Spa Essential with VCO and Habbatussauda
First time I bought this because of the silver can. It just looks simple and nice. I put it in the living room table to use while watching DVD and it works wonder. I use it only for my hand, and my hands feel very soft because of this. Definitely will buy more!
5. Denara Bali Body Scrub Cream
Mom bought this for me and this body scrub has the most rough bead than the other I only use it once in two weeks. It’s good to exfoliate the skin and you can really feel fresh afterwards. And your skin will feel so soft!!
Those are five favorite Bali skincare products that I highly recommend for you to try. Good news: they’re very affordable and works well. Bad news: sometimes, it’s hard to find them if you’re not in Bali. Solution: online shopping!! Yeah! Hahaha.
Happy shopping! 😉
Senyum dulu ah.. 🙂
PS: Why don’t they produce lipstick with those natural ingredients? #JustAsking
bagus beneran ya produk2 Bali ini ? kirain hanya menang packaging nya aja 🙂
Jalan2Liburan → Pantai Kamari dan Matahari Terbit Pertama di Santorini
Bagus beneran banget, Mbak Fe!! Work well on me. 😀
kalau di jogja, bali alus sudah masuk di carrefour kak, di carrefour ambarukmo plaza ada stand bali alus, lengkap lah, kalau liat asli malah lebih galau soalnya semuanya pengen dibeli, mana harganya dibawah 50ribu,, trus baunya ampun dah, enak banget, cobain body butter coklat bali alus deh kak, baunya ga nahan,pengen ngejilat, hehehheheh, blog yang menginspirasi kak, what a nice review
HA??? Serius masuk Carrefour? Wah coba besok aku cek di Carrefour sini kalau2 ada. Hehehe. Makasih infonya ya Kak Nita. Selamat datang di The Uber Journey. Mampir2 terus ya. 😀
Iya wanginya itu lebih cocok jadi lelehan makanan dibanding lulur deh, bikin pengen slurp nom nom gitu. Hahaha.