When members of Travel Bloggers Indonesia talk about writing a unison post on ‘travelmate’ for this Valentine’s Day, my mind wanders to my ultimate travelmate.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present: KAKATETE!
Err.. Not close enough to see her face, ah?
Lemme give you a more close-up look!
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present: KAKATETE!
Okay she’s going to kill me for posting that picture.
No kidding.
I’ll post another one.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present: KAKATETE!
Okay, I give up!
*waving white flag*
And why is it blur? -____-
I met Kakatete several years ago. We’re a part of the big Picnicholic Family!
I thought our first trip together was to Curug Cilember where we went with several other friends and had a blast weekend camping at the side of the waterfall talking about some other friends whose names shall not be mentioned. But turns out no, our first trip together was picnicking at Bogor Botanical Garden and that was like years ago when I’m still a sweet naive girl holding on to one-boyfriend-at-a-time principle!
We went on another trips with the friends again and finally embracing our voluptuous bodies by forming #DuoGinuk 😀
You know how they say that having a trip together lets us know our travel-buddy better? I strongly believe that. That’s why I put ‘having trips together’ as a requirement for a guy sending code of wanting to get to another level.
*or basically it’s just my excuse to travel more* 😛
Anyway, back to my ultimate travelmate, Kakatete.
What I like about traveling with her is that she’s pretty much up for any kind of unexpected part of me. I am a happy-go-lucky kinda girl, yes. But I’m also a pure Gemini. At some times in my life, I might just travel and then be quiet for most of the time. It’s not that I don’t like the trip or my travel-buddy, it’s just that that time I want to be quiet for a while. I’m weird like that.
And people who can handle my weirdness, are my gems! 😛
Also, traveling with Kakatete is easy.
We go together. If at any day we want to go separate ways, we go separate ways. No biggie. She’s not the clingy type, and I’m good with people who are not clingy. Aha!
Another thing, me and her are the kind of people who can laugh on so many stupid slapstick simple moments. We like to do silly things and laugh at ourselves. Going on a trip with her feels so much fun-ner!
We’re also an easy-going squad. We don’t rush to go to places but if we really want to visit a place early in the morning, we wake up and get ready, just like that. With no morning drama of who-need-to-wake-up-first-and-take-a-shower (cus she always take that privilege while I’m still zzzzz… 😛 )
Oh and have I told you she’s such a great accountant?
And of course as a good friend, I make use of her skill. 😛
On every trip, we pool the same amount of money. She’s holding it and pays for everything during the trip. If the money has run out before the trip ends, we pool another same amount of money again. Usually, a week after the trip, she’ll send me an email of the expense details. Hahaha. She’s awesome like that!
Other thing that might not important for some people but kind of important for me is that we’re on the same page when thinking and speaking about money. We say if we don’t have enough money, we talk if we need to use other’s credit card, we count, we pay, we take money as it is. We don’t hold a grudge. Especially about money.
We hold a grudge for an uncertain future in our love lifes. Like, God, what happen?? Why is it vague? -____-
We share many funny moments together. We talk about everything! From lipstick to people (we do ghibah, yes) to places to government policy to latest trend of sex pose to terrorism.
She’s funny.
In her own way.
Like really, a girl who is scared being close to a pregnant lady is what?
Funny! 😀
Oh, and she is easy to be tricked too sometimes! *well, most of the times*
Two days ago, I decided to bug her while she was in a cinema. Asking her to mention all of the trips we’ve done together. It was nothing important, actually. I did ask just because I was lazy to open my photo album and counted, so, better asked her. 😛
She came out with a list of ten places we’ve gone to and I laughed so hard.
Why? – she asked.
That’s a long list! – I responded.
I, myself, feel like we’re so close although we’ve been only on ten trips together. – said she.
Well, that’s true. I laughed cus I just wanted to bug you. I didn’t expect you would make a full list! That’s so thoughtful of you! Hahaha.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present, my #UltimateTravelmate : KAKATETE!
Senyum dulu ah.. 🙂
This post is a part of #UltimateTravelmate unison post from Travel Bloggers Indonesia to celebrate the love on Valentine’s Day.
Read my post for last year’s #14on14 Valentine’s Day unison post below:
14 Places I Would Want to Share with My Loved One
Check out other #UltimateTravelmate post below:
- Parahita – #UltimateTravelmate : Rembulan India Soetrisno
- Shabrina – 14 Signs You Found The Perfect Travelmate
- Indri – Si Pelari Selfie, Sebut Saja Namanya Adie
- Rey – Kemana Lagi Kita Berjalan, Kawan?
- Eka –
- Adlienz – Menjelajah Sebagian Ambon Bareng Bule Gila
- Richo – My Travelmate, Pria Berjenggot dengan Followers 380K
- Vika –
- Astin – Travelmate, Tak Selalu Harus Bareng Traveling Kemana-Mana
- Edy – Istriku, Travelmateku
- Danan –
- Puspa – Travelmate Giga
- Bolang – Mbok Jas, Teman Perjalanan Terbaik
- Bobby –
- Gio – Travelmate Drama, Apa Kamu Salah Satunya?
- Wira –
- Olive – My Guardian Angel
- Lenny – 3 Hal Tentang Travelmate
- Ghana –
- Felicia –
- Karnadi – Teman Perjalananku dan Kisahnya
- Nugie – 3 Hosts, 3 Negara, 3 Cerita
- Liza – Naqiya is My Travelmate
- Dea – Hindari 7+1 Hal Ini Saat Sedang Cari Teman Jalan
- Titiw – 10 Alasan Mengapa Suami Adalah Travelmate Terbaik
- Leo – Travelmate(s), It’s Our Journey
Foto-foto aib akooohhhhh!!!
*brb ke Koriya ganti wajah*
Hahahaha.. Jangaaaan..
Ribet. Mesti ganti paspor, ganti KTP, ganti tap card kantor. Udah gak usah. :))
Berasa serunya, Kakaak!
Ahahaha.. Seru segar chewriyah ya Kak! :3
Hahahahaa.. lucu amat pembukaannya :))))) Kaya Kakatete udah mau maju ke podium trus berenti, trus mau maju lagi (tapi belum sampai) trus berenti lagi hahahahaaa..
Postingannya manis banget.. :’)
Ahahaha.. Makasih Firstaaaa.. Muah!
ahahahahaa, kalian memang ditakdirkan bersama! kebayang keseruannya itu inget kalian berdua godain nugie di Bogor. :p
wah… seru banget yah
Enaknya ya travelmate plus personal accountant….all hail kakatete
Hihihi. Iyaaaaaa…Trip Accountant!
Hahaha. Dari kalimat pertama udah bikin aku cekikikan, kak 😀
Seneng ya punya travelmate yg cocok dan se-postur tubuh *kabur sebelum digempur*
Hahaha. Carilah yang kerempeng juga Gie. Biar sama! 😀
Aku mau cari yg sekel aja biar pelukable
Duuuh sweet kak Bulan :))
Ngakak baca, yes we doibg ghibah itu 😀
Hehehe.. Kan aku jujur.. 😛
seperti biasa, sajiannya asik apalagi kakatete makannya lahap
ujung2nya senyum2 sendiri usai baca ulang ini
Hae kakak Teteeeeeee (gak pakek ka yaaa)
haha om bolanggg 😀
Ehemm kamu ngeres deh pasti ha ha
entah knapa dari awal sampe akhir aku ngakak terus baca ini kak Bul. Bayangin kak Teetee yg pasrah diunggah fotonya di sini. kamu jahil.. hahaha
Hihihi..Aku ni lucu ya.. Hihihi..
Awwww, kalian sweet sekali <3 <3 <3 aku ketawa geli waktu baca ini "We hold a grudge for an uncertain future in our love life. Like, God, what happen?? Why is it vague? -____-" That's sooo girltalk! hahaha *tos dulu… http://www.deasihotang.com
Hahaha.. Toss Deaaaa! Mungkin kita harus doing girltalk juga kapan-kapan! 😀
lha wong liat mukanya kakatete aja udah bikin geli, apalagi halan-halan bareng sama dia, pasti adaaa aja yang bikin ketawa.
princess beruntung ya nemu mbok mban kakatete ini, urusan angkat-angkat koper jadi nggak repot lagi pasti hahaha.
BTW, aku nggak dikasi backlink bik? yampun, cedik
*nangis di pojokan*
Kok kamu gitu komennya sama Kakatete? ENAK AJA! Emangnya aku pernah suruh2 dia angkat2 koper apa? HIH!
#DuoGinuk inih lucu sekali! Asli penasaran deh ama nama Kakatete, hahaha. Hoping to meet the other half of DuoGinuk soon. Yes, you pwinces Bulan :*
I can’t wait to meet you, Kak Deeeebb!!!
Kak Buy, judulnya typo tuh: Katatete 😉 #editormodeon
Dari cerita ini sih ketahuan yang suka iseng siapa ya, kasian kakatete selalu jadi budak kejahilan, hahaha 😀
Kenapa typooo? Harusnya kakatetek? Ahahahaha.
Kalau sama Kakatete si iya aku yang jahil, soalnya sama yang lain agak kurang bisa jahil. Cuma sama dia doang aku yang kalem ini berani.
penasaran bngt ni sama Kakatete. abis baca artikel ini jadi senyum-senyum sendiri 🙂
Hahaha. Silakan berkunjung ke blognya dia biar penasarannya terjawab. Ahiy.
Thank you so much for sharing this post!